Kris Ochs (Co-Founder, CFO)
TV Shows / Movies
- Anything and everything on RedBull TV, especially Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honold’s superhuman feat, completing the Fitz Roy Traverse in Patagonia, which they documented themselves in A Line Across the Sky.
- The 2019-20 Backcountry Film Festival is a series of very cool short films that can be streamed on YouTube - highly recommend checking it out.
- The Call of the Wild - a classic novel I remember reading in grade school just came out on film, about a dog who finds his way to Alaska during the late 1800’s Gold Rush in Alaska. The animals may be animated but Harrison Ford keeps it real.
- Just completed AMGA Mountain Guide Mark Smiley’s online course: The Ultimate Guide to Backcountry Skiing & Ski Mountaineering - a great way to stay mentally fresh on skills while at home, and he’s even offering a quarantine discount on all of his courses!
- Building out my “adventure atlas” in Evernote, compiling photos, maps, notes, and trip plans for both summer and winter objectives for years to come.
- Somehow becoming curious about learning Python, a programming language that can be used to process and analyze loads of just about any kind of information you can think of. If anyone has any advice on where to begin, hit me up!
- Local hill climbs on the road bike when the weather permits and garage bike trainer sessions when it doesn’t - Wahoo KICKR with the TrainerRoad app is my go to.
- Ski touring, but instead of a quest for deep powder and adrenaline, it’s a quest to dial in the perfect ski setup while walking slowly uphill to catch the occasional glimpse of lines to add to the “someday maybe” list.
Molly Danzig (Logistics and Customer Service)

TV Shows:
- Tiger King (I know, what else is new), Suits (again), New-season of Top Chef: All-Stars, and Ozark
- Obviously doggo snug, practicing my corn hole abilities, cruising through puzzles (a little too fast), keeping my skis prepared for any unexpected spring storms, and trying to be better about connecting with extended family and old friends
- Clair Thomas Home Team fitness guide (she was giving it away for free!), Fitness Blender HIIT workouts (they are free on YouTube. There are hundreds of videos), working on my running, like everyone else, skinning. The season ended too early and there is plenty of good snow to be had, and finding some dry dirt to get my bike out on.
Ryan Collopy (Financial Analyst)

What a wild couple of months it has been for me. I recently moved to Vail at the beginning of 2020 from Boston with high expectations and excitement for mountain living. Just when I settled into my daily routine and lifestyle we were placed on lockdown. Being new to the Vail Valley I was excited to explore what Vail had to offer, but things quickly changed and I have since found a new routine that has given me a new perspective to the mountains. Without the option to ski in the resort, I have been forced to find new activities to fill my time after work and on the weekends. Most recently I have been ice climbing, ski touring, running, and I was finally able to go for a couple of bike rides as the weather warmed up. Although I wish these activities were all possible with a group of friends or family I always try to stay positive and think about a time in the not so distant future where we will enjoy the mountains together again. Until that time comes I will take time to appreciate all the amazing things that Vail has to offer that I might not necessarily have noticed under normal circumstances. My at-home routine hasn’t changed drastically other than setting up a new home office in a second bedroom. Similar to other SYNC Employees my dress code for work hasn’t changed much and usually consists of joggers and the Deluge Quarter Zip, which I can wear all day while working from home and then go out for an activity to keep me warm and dry.
TV Shows:
- House of Cards, Ozark, and Modern Family.
- How I Built This, The Indicator, Invest Like the Best, and Gladiator.
- Ski touring, ice climbing, mountain biking when the weather permits, and lots of puzzles.